Maximum capacity: Bowls up to Genesi 340, SE/BTE 300, FRC 240.
Not suitable to discharge “liquid” product or “soft” dough.
Tilter ERT-F (frontal)
Tilter ERT-L (lateral)
Replaced By Bowl Tilters
Now Offered with Left / Right or Backwards Tilt
Please call for more information or send us an email.
Features: Table or dough troughs tilter, hydraulically activated with tilting height of 1100 mm. Possibility to have a frontal (ERT-F)or lateral (ERT-L) discharge (specify left or right on order). Tilting action allowed through manual approval (presence of the operator required) – tilter elevated of the ground with no. 4 stainless steel feet.
Maximum capacity: Bowls up to Genesi 340, SE/BTE 300, FRC 240.
Not suitable to discharge “liquid” product or “soft” dough.
Tilter ERT-F (frontal)
Tilter ERT-L (lateral)