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REVENT Plug and Play

Proofer/Retarder Proofer /Freezer Proofer for Racks

Max pan size:
1 single rack (18”x26”)

Baking quality
> PID system together with the automatic computer controlled 200 step fan speed secure:
• Smooth proving
• Minimal dehydration
• No “skinned over dough”
> Slow proving at low temperature, optimizing aroma build-up and structure.
> Recovery curves can handle mixed production of large and small pieces.

> No risk of sending bacteria into the chamber as in cold water systems where cold water enters directly into the chamber.
> Stainless steel interior and exterior
> Automatic drain for steam generator

SKU: rplugplay Categories: , , ,

Total Cost of Ownership Options
> Programmable touch screen control panel with easy setting and display of temperature and humidity.
> Optimized PID regulation of temperature and humidity, reducing energy consump- tion.
> Proofing and/or retarding of small and large dough pieces at the same time
> External steam tank with easy access for cleaning and for keeping lime out of the proo ng chamber.
> Internal steam nozzle mounted after fan and temperature elements optimizing energy ef ciency and minimizing risk of corrosion or mineral build-up.
> Oven-ready dough all through the day with the FSP (Flexible Slow Proo ng) system.
> Automatic drain valve.
> Coated evaporator securing long lifetime and minimizing risk of refrigerant leakage.
> Heavy duty compressor securing long life and low service cost.
> Electromagnetic steam generator without mechanical or electrical parts within the steam container for stable operation.
> Water quality as hardness and lime content does not impair function and life of the climate unit.

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